Scroll through these political memes and have a laugh or two

I love memes just like any other person my age does, but do you know what I love more? Memes about political figureheads. 

So, sit back and relax. Maybe you'll even have a laugh or two. Try not to get offended, it's all satire.

For those of you who don't already know, it was reported that former President Donald J. Trump had a "Diet Coke Button" from the oval office desk. However, Biden has since then removed the button from the infamous office.  

While I love Diet Coke just as much as Trump, back in October 2012, Trump tweeted the following that contradicts his supposed love towards the popular beverage:

All I can think about is what Biden chose to replace the button with. Who knows?

Just because President Joe Biden is 78 years old... you get the joke. 

This meme doesn't need much explanation. 

I mean, I'm assuming he's been playing quite a lot of golf lately. All jokes.

I personally have been itching to know what was said in the note left for President Biden. According to Biden, Trump left him "a very generous letter."
